Homeland models
your common areas in 3 dimensions

for greater responsiveness, availability and transparency.

See Anne-Charlotte's testimonial:

Why get a 3-D model of your condominium's common areas?

The advantages of the common area modeling solution are as follows:
More accurate incident reporting: we can illustrate the request for intervention with screenshots of the equipment affected by the incident.
Easier obtaining of quotes: we can illustrate the request for a quote with screenshots of the equipment concerned, thus limiting the number of service providers coming and going in the building.
Much more efficient management of service providers in the condominium: we can prepare the intervention of third parties in the residence by anticipating the different levels of access, and we can guide them without any risk of error. So you don't have to worry about giving access or guiding service providers! No more aborted interventions by third parties unable to find the accesses they need themselves.
Reduced costs for the co-ownership: thanks to these new modes of communication between the occupants, the Homeland syndic and the service providers, costs for the co-ownership are reduced (fewer interventions and less travel billed).

Would you like to find out more, or get a quote for your co-ownership? Contact us at commercial@homeland.immo

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